Tuesday, 9 October 2012

David Cameron's forthcoming speech

David Cameron to speak that he gained many of his qualities from his father.  David Cameron is his own personal politician.


David Cameron believes in values of hard work, strong values, taking responsibility, and serving others.  Let's not forget : cutting taxes for the rich, imposing my values onto society, reducing benefits for those that don't fit in with my values, shouting alot in the house of commons, being rude about other politicians.

The argument now is that the UK is in global race : it is the argument to be used to reduce the taxes for companies and the rich, to make it easier to hire and fire people. 

Life on earth is clearly NOT about LIVING WITH thy neighbour.  Life on earth is clearly about COMPETING WITH thy neighbour. So how does one compete : by bringing forward the meritocracy in society : ie the ruling elite, to make life easier for them so that we can compete more.

He says there is nothing complicated about him. Similar language to what Tony Blair used. I find David a very complicated person.  From believing he was one sort of person before the election : compassionate, I find now that he is not.

He talks about making painful decisions.  Yes they are painful; and I pray he is grateful to those who will suffer the most for his decisions.

He wants to ridicule Labour for saying they'd borrow more.  Mmmm This government has borrowed loads. It has printed £375bn!!!  It has made 100'000s unemployed.

What he argues is that this is all vital to keep the UK competitive. Such an argument immediately plays into the hands of the rich : that they are the wealth creators; that during recession the weak, the strong, the less motivated are required to forfeit more of their rights.  So who really is the stronger?  Who is really performing the actual ACT of assisting the UK to increase competitiveness.  It is the poor, the weak, the less motivated.

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