Monday, 8 October 2012

How the centre ground is being moved to the right

The conservatives keep thinking they are on the centre ground and are not shifting to the right.  Does the following sound like they are sticking to the centre ground?:

" He confirmed plans to cut £10billion from the welfare budget, unveiled tax breaks for shale gas and tried to persuade workers to give up their employment rights by taking shares in their company."

This is very much moving more to the right : the belief that ownership is what drives countries, not collective community.  So Osborne believes the more we allow people to own and make it easier to own, and at the same time loosen the rights or entitlements to community, a country will prosper.

Read this language : "Mr Osborne said he would not balance the deficit 'on the backs of the poor' but nor would he target the rich with unfair tax hikes"

So we note how reducing welfare benefits is fair, but taxing the wealthy any further is seen as 'targeting' the rich with 'unfair tax hikes'.  

The conservatives clearly believe that in targetting the weak and vulnerable the majority or wealthy, middle class and working class with keep them in power in 2015.  This is a major weakness in democracy : the minority are overcome by the majority, whoever the minority may be.

"'We modern Conservatives represent all those who aspire, all who work, save and hope, all who feel a responsibility to put in, not just take out." No he doesn't. His language is such that he represents a party that targets those that do not fit in with his values. 

If he followed up what he meant, he would be putting in things to help those who are aspiring, who work, save, hope, and want to take responsibility.

Modern Conservatism is targetting those people who we believe do not "aspire, all who work, save and hope, all who feel a responsibility to put in, not just take out.", and let's not forget; he believes this while there is a recession going on, while loads of people have lost their jobs because of the recession, while banks have lost us loads of money. 

Modern conservatism is like the big bully at school : "We are these sort of people: we don't like you; we target you; we'll protect ourselves as we have the power to."

None of his language is about supporting those who are ill, who are in trouble, who are poor, who need help, who are going through breakdowns.  He is talking about a world where people 'have it'.  If you don't 'have it' you are not one of us.  We reject you.  And you will pay for the mistakes of those that supposedly 'had it'. 

We are in a country where the vulnerable are seen as a scourge on society. It is horrible to live in a country where you do not feel you belong. That you are seen as scum.  As least if when we die we can say "at least my vulnerability allowed me to help the better off in England stay better off".  That is exactly what Christ did on the Cross. He died so we might live. 

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