Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Is the interpretation of history being re written?

In this article the head teacher of Eton says, or is being represented as saying or meaning,

"Pupils’ creativity is being stifled by a system that still measures students’ ability by “sitting everyone down in rows in an exam hall” for several hours, said Tony Little.
He called for traditional pen-and-paper tests taken at 16 to be scrapped in all subjects other than English and maths to give students more time and space to properly develop a range of skills.
Speaking at a conference staged by the National Education Trust, Mr Little said that existing GCSE exams were increasingly outdated, particularly at a time when most pupils were expected to remain in education up to the age of 18.
The case for retaining A-levels was more powerful because they were used by universities as part of the higher education admissions process, he said.
But he insisted there was “no good reason” why students had to be assessed in “this very Victorian way” at 16."

So what we are saying here is that our ancestors were badly taught and they were effected by it negatively.

So if that is true, how are we in a position to know it is wrong? How has this enlightenment come to pass?

Are we now demeaning Queen Victoria or the times that she led this nation?

And will the future institutions say the same of Queen Elizabeth II?

What is going wrong?

We are destroying ourselves.  Why? 

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