"Internet service providers (ISPs) will soon be required to inform customers
if their web connection is being used for illegal infringement of copyright,
making it more important than ever for consumers to understand their own
behaviour online."
The web is less and less than an open free space. It is becoming an owned space; owned by those with money and power to tell those with less money and less power how the internet should and should not be used.
In a wonderful world I wouldn't mind this if those in power lived by the rules they put upon us.
But this is not the world we live in.
It is now a matter of time before the internet ends up being a tool for the state to control our lives.
Free thinking will one day go into the confines of whispering into our neighbours ear, so long as we have not been enchipped for the state to listen into our conversations; in which case we will find means of letting out our thoughts, even if it includes praying to almighty God of our Jesus Christ.
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